Reviews for movie i spit on your grave
Reviews for movie i spit on your grave

Being an accomplice to violence or a perpetrator after the fact, does not make you any less guilty. The degrees to which blame is placed in the film are black and white and suggest that perhaps some things in modern society are not as complex as we would like to believe. He may be slower than most people, but he seems very capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong. His mental handicap is a false ploy for sympathy. Then, he can't bring himself to drive a knife through her heart, but he did finally get around to raping her. Perhaps we're supposed to feel a bit sorry for Matthew because he can't bring himself to rape Jennifer at first, but then he doesn't do much to discourage the others either. This goes on for a very long time and even encompasses multiple settings as they absolutely will not let her escape.

reviews for movie i spit on your grave

Then, their backwoods version of foreplay over, they repeatedly beat and rape her. The boys chase Jennifer through the woods, at first enjoying the terror they inflict with their mind games.


What follows is a painful series of events which make up about 30 minutes of the finished film. It's a passive-aggressive way to assert power and I would be lying if I said I hadn't seen some women respond to this overbearing machismo in a sexual manner - but that's a subject for another movie and another review. Roughly the same thing as beeping your car horn or construction workers shouting women down. It's the typical male show-off behavior that even as a male, I've always had problems understanding.

reviews for movie i spit on your grave

As she tries to relax and put her thoughts to paper by a beautiful and scenic lake, they come by on their motor boat, speeding by and interrupting her concentration until she has to leave. There is nothing to suggest how much violence they have within them and at least one of the group is a family man.īut alarmingly enough, they do have violence within them, a lot of it in fact. It's the same circle of friends you would expect to see at almost any local bar, pool hall, or just hanging out in town. The villains ( who are also made up of Eron Tabor, Anthony Nichols and Gunter Kleemann ) actually don't seem so threatening when things start out, and that makes it all the more troubling. If all this seems harmless enough, I believe that is the point. What they classify as a man is a horrible perversion of nobility. "You wanna be a man, don't you?" they ask. They give Matthew a hard time for being a virgin. Where they joke around and make off-color jokes and look for something else to occupy their time. It's a town where there is nothing to do, where they have seen the only movie playing at the local theatre several times. Unfortunately, his friends are a trio of beer drinking locals with a poor world view and too much time on their hands. As it progresses, it reflects her need to exact revenge in order to reclaim her sanity.Ī mentally impaired delivery boy, Matthew (Richard Pace) visits her and immediately takes a liking to her. Prophetically, it begins with a passage about a woman who takes "a temporary leave of absence from everything that formed the fabric of her life." As the film begins, it's an allegory towards leaving the big city. Jennifer Hill (Camille Keaton, who had a small but haunting role in WHAT HAPPENED TO SOLANGE?) rents out a cabin where she hopes to write her first novel. The entire film is told without music of any kind, which increases it's gritty, awful-day-in-the-life quality. However, this is not to say that the film is a complete success.

reviews for movie i spit on your grave

Director Meir Zarchi obviously has talent and tried to create a unique and unflinching film with a message behind it. The answer and the entire point of this review is yes - I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE is actually much less exploitive than many studio films from the same period. But was it simple exploitation or something deeper and darker? It achieved what every exploitation film aimed for in the 1970's. It was demonized by political and religious groups, not to mention film critics across the world. It was gobbled up by the grindhouse crowd and curious suburban kids. When I was a kid, my older brother and his friends would rent the old Wizard Video edition and hide it from their parents, because they knew they were going to see about the sickest thing around. For almost a quarter century, I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE has been the movie you don't take home to mother.

Reviews for movie i spit on your grave